HR Policy Association

HR Policy CEO Dan Yager Makes Case for Better Workplace Policy in Fortune

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HR Policy President & CEO Dan Yager writes in Fortune,  "Corporate policies are continuing to evolve in a number of areas, including flexibility, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, and educational assistance, among others... Today's companies not only want to do the right thing by their employees but they have to if they want to keep them."  As examined in the Association's Workplace 2020 report, current government policies, created under outlawed assumptions from the 20th century, have been a barrier to companies who want to create a competitive workplace in order to attract and retain top talent.  As an example, most large employers are already providing benefits such as paid leave at or above the many various overlapping requirements in effect across the country.  "The problem," Yager notes, "is that each state or local law has separate rules on how the leave is administered—vesting, annual carryover of unused leave, leave eligibility, etc.  This poses significant complications for large companies that seek to provide uniform benefits for their employees in multiple states."