Audi's Brussels plant closure results in generous severance packages for 3,000 workers, ranging from €200K to €400K, setting a high benchmark for future job cuts in Belgium.
Key points: Audi's Brussels plant closure resulted in job losses for 3,000 workers. Severance packages range from €200K to €400K per worker. Payments include legal severance, additional €3,200 per year of service, and €35,000 lump sum
Why this matters: This generous severance package sets a high benchmark for future job cuts in Belgium, potentially increasing costs for employers considering workforce reductions1.
What might happen next: The Audi deal certainly sets a headline for a company thinking about cutting jobs in Belgium. So other companies may face pressure to match or come close to Audi's severance terms when restructuring their workforce in Belgium.

Tom Hayes
Director of European Union and Global Labor Affairs, HR Policy Association
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