HR Policy Association

HRPA Urges Congress to Overturn OSHA Walkaround Rule

HR Policy Association joined the Coalition for Workplace Safety and other business groups in support of a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to nullify OSHA’s recently finalized “Walkaround” rule.  

The final rule, which allows workers to choose third-party representatives – including union representatives – to accompany OSHA safety inspectors during workplace inspections could potentially allow nearly unrestricted access to employer facilities. 

The letter to Congress argues the rule compromises not only the security and privacy of business operations but also undermines the integrity of the inspection process itself. Furthermore, OSHA provides no substantial evidence that the rule will augment safety and, by placing no limit on the number or experience of third parties, threatens to actually increase safety risks. Read the Association’s analysis of the final rule and takeaways for employers

Outlook: The rule is set to go into effect on May 31. Although the CRA is expected to secure sufficient backing for passage in the Republican-majority House, its prospects for success are dim, considering the Democratic majority in the Senate and the likelihood of a presidential veto. In the meantime, the business community is mounting a legal challenge, which may temporarily suspend or completely invalidate the rule. Nonetheless, employers should prepare for compliance for now.

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Authors: Chatrane Birbal



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