This week, more than 50 HR Policy Global members met in Brussels for the European Program’s Winter Networking and Knowledge program. Led by Tom Hayes and Alan Wild, the discussion focused on two issues of importance for companies operating in Europe – pay transparency and EWCs.
- EU official contemplates EWC changes: Keynote speaker Mr. Adam Pokorny, the lead of the EU Commission unit responsible for looking at the European Works Council legislation, discussed how the Commission is thinking through the proposed revisions. Mr. Pokorny also provided interesting views of how the EU Commission views the issue.
- Pay Transparency preparation: Start now! Mercer provided an in-depth review of the impending compliance requirements for the European Pay Transparency Directive. The key takeaway of the discussion was start now! The compliance and communication challenges are not insignificant and warrant immediate preparation.
- Networking and connections: HR Policy Global’s European Networking meetings help members make connections with colleagues and introduce new friends to our close-knit community. This event was no exception!
The HR Policy Global program provides unparalleled networking and information programs for Global HR, Employee Relations, and Labor teams. Several meeting opportunities are available in 2024, including Asia Pacific, European, and Latin America Summits.

Henry D. Eickelberg
Chief Operating Officer, HR Policy Association
Contact Henry D. Eickelberg LinkedIn