HR Policy Global

UK: Remote working request rejected by court

A senior manager at a UK regulatory authority has had her demand to work from home full-time has been denied by a judge.

Why it matters: The judge ruled that remote working is not suitable for fast-paced exchanges and limits non-verbal communication. Remote working may not be well suited for planning meetings or training events where rapid discussion occurs.

The bottom line: The judge's decision highlights the challenges of remote work and the importance of in-person communication.

Additional material: 

Financial Times report on the case.

Extracts from Judge Robert Richter judgement: 

"It is the experience of many who work using technology that [remote working] is not well suited to the fast-paced interplay of exchanges which occur in, for example, planning meetings or training events when rapid discussion can occur on topics.”

a limitation to the ability to observe and respond to non-verbal communication which may arise outside of the context of formal events but which nonetheless forms an important part of working with other individuals.” 

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Authors: Tom Hayes



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