American Health Policy Institute

HR Policy Urges Senate to Pass Telehealth Bill

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Authors: D. Mark Wilson


HR Policy joined with a broad coalition of business associations on a letter urging the Senate to pass Telehealth Expansion Act of 2023 (S. 1001/H.R. 1843).

Why it matters: The ability for employers to cover telehealth benefits for 32 million Americans in high-deductible health plans (HDHP) expires on December 31, 2024, unless it is extended.

By the numbers: According the Employee Benefit Research Institute, about 96% of employers have adopted pre-deductible telehealth benefits.

The big picture: The commonsense policy would enable families to permanently access vital telehealth services – including virtual primary care and behavioral health services – prior to having met their deductible.

What's next: It is unclear if the Senate Finance Committee will mark up their version of the bill this year despite bipartisan support for the companion House bill.


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