HR Policy Global

HR Policy Global’s Asia-Pacific Summit Highlights the Region's Challenges, Opportunities

Over 50 HR Policy Members met in Singapore this week for an event hosted by HR Policy Global’s Executive Director of Asia-Pacific, Michelle Swinden. The meeting marked HR Policy’s first event in the region since 2019 and provided valuable insight into and opportunities for peer discussion on the challenges facing HR leaders in the APAC region.

The meeting kicked off with Karan Bajwa, Vice President of Google Cloud for the Asia-Pacific, who discussed the experience of managing a fast-growing company during COVID and its transition from pandemic to endemic. The conversation focused on people management and the value for companies in being authentic and vulnerable when implementing their employee engagement strategies.

Many global topics discussed: HR Policy’s Director of Global Affairs Wen Dong and Chief Operating Officer Henry Eickelberg engaged in a roundtable discussion on significant global events while Michelle Swinden moderated conversations on Australia, China, Indonesia, and Singapore. HR Policy’s Chief Advisor, India, DP Singh provided an update on India’s labor code implementation efforts.

Discussions unique to the APAC region included the challenges of an aging population in Singapore and elsewhere, as well as a fascinating conversation on the region’s race and culture.

HR Policy Global will return to Singapore in 2024 for next year’s APAC Summit. In the meantime, we invite you to join us in Orlando, Florida for our Latin America Summit in May and our June European Summit in Sitges, Spain.

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Authors: Henry D. Eickelberg
