HR Policy Global

BEERG Bytes: New Episode on Supply Chain Due Diligence

The latest BEERG Byte (No 4)) is available to view and hear right now. It features a discussion with our very good friend and colleague Auret Van Heerden on how companies can meet the due diligence expectations of the supply chain laws in a way that is scalable and affordable. 

As Auret explains, there are more “know and show” laws being introduced, some on specific topics like child or forced labour, and most cover the whole supply chain and this can be challenging for a company with a large footprint.

It is available on the HR Policy YouTube Channel and on the old BEERG website it is also available as a Podcast via your favourite Podcast search engine –  search for “BEERG Bytes”. See: Spotify / Google Podcasts / Apple Podcasts / Anchor RSS


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Authors: Auret van Heerden, Tom Hayes



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