HR Policy Association

Bill Excluding HR Data from California Privacy Law Passes, But with One-Year Sunset

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A bill amending the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) to exclude HR data from many of the Act’s requirements was passed by the California legislature, but will expire on January 1, 2021, likely shifting the legislative focus to different restrictions on the collection, use, and security of such data over the next year.

Groups opposing AB 25 have been vocal about issues they think will be important to address in a measure focusing on HR data.  A letter sent by a coalition of opposition groups argued that “more comprehensive steps will be necessary to fully address issues specific to the employment relationship.”

Bias in artificial intelligence and worker monitoring are cited specifically in the letter as needing to be addressed.

Why it matters:  Governor Newsom is expected to sign AB 25.  If the CCPA acts as a national standard, as many expect it to, the one-year sunset and resultant focus on HR data by the California legislature could carry national implications.