Published on: March 15, 2019
Authors: Ani Huang
Topics: Compensation Committee and Board
As part of their role in supporting the compensation committee, Center subscribers are often asked by the compensation committee to provide a model format to facilitate the periodic evaluation the committee’s independent compensation advisor. Building upon the positive feedback we have received from subscribers regarding our model RFP for compensation consultant selection, the risk checklist, and communicating the rigor of performance objectives checklist, we have developed a checklist to help in the evaluation of the compensation committee’s independent executive compensation advisor. The checklist was gleaned from the evaluation forms developed by leading executive compensation consultants, input from the Center’s Advisory Board and the collective experience of the Center staff. While not exhaustive, the checklist below may help prompt thinking about the factors that your committee may consider when assessing the performance and value-added of the committee’s executive compensation consultant.

Ani Huang
Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Content Officer, HR Policy Association
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