HR Policy Association

Advancing the American Workforce Series

The profound changes experienced over the past five years are transforming the way the American workforce needs to be structured for long-term success. This series provides policymakers and business leaders with the perspectives of large employers and CHROs on the critical trends shaping the future of work, and policy recommendations to ensure the American workforce remains at the forefront of global excellence in the years to come.

Read the Reports

Read the individual reports of this multi-part series here. Additional reports will be added as they are published. 

Leading the Charge: Innovation & the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Core strategies for our nation’s leaders seeking to promote American innovation using artificial intelligence while also safeguarding against the potential risks.

Preserving the Responsible Use of Non-Compete Agreements

Policymakers should shift from full blanket bans to a middle-ground approach that protects both middle/low wage workers and employee mobility while enabling companies to safeguard American innovation and competitive advantage.

Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits Vital to Productivity & Growth

CHROs are committed to maintaining employer-sponsored health insurance as an essential benefit for employees, recognizing the value of high-quality, low-cost coverage for working Americans and their families.

How Immigration Strengthens the American Workforce

Core strategies for our nation’s leaders seeking to create inclusive work cultures, foster business innovation, and drive competitive U.S. advantage.

Secure Futures: Rethinking Retirement Planning for Tomorrow’s Workforce

It is imperative that policymakers focus on three critical aspects of retirement readiness – affordability, adoption, and accessibility. It is in these three areas that federal policy can help – or hinder – employers’ ability to encourage retirement savings among their employees.

Pay Transparency & Equity: Integral Drivers of Long-Term Returns

The legislative landscape around pay equity in the United States is complex and constantly evolving, with well-intentioned current policy proposals that could have unintended consequences for the future of the U.S. workforce.

Human Capital Metrics: Standardized Disclosure Requirements Misleading and Burdensome

Although some companies or industries may use similar categories, there is no set of generally accepted, standardized human capital metrics. Requiring companies to disclose them as though there were is misleading, and could lead investors to believe there is comparability where there is none.

Corporate Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Beyond Labels & Altruism

A diverse workforce is not only essential to meet a company’s talent needs but is good for business, benefitting the entire company and its stakeholders in many ways.

Thinking Globally & Acting Locally While Expecting the Unexpected

It is important for U.S. policymakers to consider the many HR challenges global companies face, as this information is essential when dealing with issues such as employment, trade, taxes, technology, and more.