HR Policy Association

U.S. Labor Relations Professional Certification

Recently, we made the decision to cancel the following HR Policy Association training courses:

  • Managing a Union Workforce (September 24, 2024)
  • Administering the Contract (September 25, 2024)
  • Elements of Collective Bargaining (October 22 – 25, 2024)

While we have canceled these courses for 2024, we are in the process of revising and updating our offerings in this area.

HR Policy Association has long been a leader in giving members access to our deep expertise in labor relations through our comprehensive training programs. Over the past two decades, these programs have provided intensive immersion in field of labor relations, enabling HR teams to expand their capabilities in this critical practice area.

Our member companies are now experiencing transformational changes in the nature of work, the values and expectations of the workforce, and the dynamics of the workplace. Talent shortages, the impact of artificial intelligence, the increasingly divisive social and political climate, and shifting worker demographics are just some of the factors that make managing in today’s workplace more challenging than ever before.

To address these changes, we will be enhancing our labor and employee relations learning programs. Our goal is to create programs that help HR professionals effectively navigate the dynamics of today’s American workplace using the latest in learning approaches and technologies. Fostering a productive and healthy workplace in this rapidly changing environment requires that HR professionals have a sound understanding the legal framework governing labor and employee relations in the US. That understanding needs to be set in the context of today’s challenges – and provide practical approaches to creating solutions that are relevant to today’s workers.

We invite anyone interested in providing input to our redesign to send your thoughts and suggestions for our new offerings to Shelly Carlin ([email protected]).