Inger Verhelst

Inger Verhelst

Inger Verhelst Partner, Antwerp, Claeys & Engels

Inger Verhelst advises clients on a daily basis with respect to individual and collective labour issues and assists companies with redundancies, restructuring, acquisitions and negotiations with the unions. She also closely follows developments with regard to end of career issues and regularly pleads before the labour courts.

Inger has a particular interest in questions concerning discrimination and psychosocial well-being at work.  She also frequently advises clients on the privacy and data protection laws, more specifically the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Inger is a regular speaker at internal and external seminars in Belgium and abroad and has published numerous legal articles.  She is co-author of the annual publications "Einde loopbaanregelingen" and "Praktijkboek Ontslag". Inger is member of the International Expert Groups on Discrimination and Data Protection within the international attorney alliance Ius Laboris. In the "Who’s Who Legal 2021" she is recommended as follows: “Inger Verhelst ranks highly among peers for her in-depth understanding of collective and individual labour law matters”.

Inger Verhelst is guest lecturer in social law at the Antwerp Management School of the University of Antwerp (special programme Master in Human Resources Management) and at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp.

In 2016 she pleaded before the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

Inger obtained her Master's degree in law from the Catholic University of Leuven in 1994 with distinction and the same year started her career as a lawyer at the Antwerp Bar. Since 2010 she has been a partner at Claeys & Engels.

In 2017 Inger obtained the degree in “Programme in European Data Protection (GDPR) leading to certified DPO” organised by the Solvay Management School of the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) in cooperation with the Belgian Data Protection Authority.