Center On Executive Compensation Membership

The Center On Executive Compensation serves as an extension of your executive compensation team with deep experience and an independent perspective. By providing timely information and resources, the Center equips members to support their Compensation Committees and a growing number of interested stakeholders. With over 145 members contributing, the Center provides extensive expertise and advocacy on the top executive compensation and governance public policy and practice issues facing Chief Human Resource Officers and their teams.


Newsletters & Updates
Breaking news on executive compensation and governance developments is regularly emailed to Center members.

Timely Surveys
The Center conducts monthly membership surveys on a wide variety of topics; Center members can request surveys on topics important to them, and the results are available to all.

Draft Proxy Statement Review
Upon request, the Center team is happy to review and provide feedback on a company’s proxy statement or CD&A. 

Expertise on the Issues
The Center team has extensive expertise in executive compensation practice. The Center’s “High Touch” research and practice approach encourages Center members to reach out and discuss issues directly with the Center team.


Public Policy & Practice Resources
Center members have access to detailed guides and resources on relevant legislation, regulations and cutting-edge practices.

Personalized Briefings
Center members may receive a customized executive compensation briefing annually from the Center team.

Advocacy & Representation
A known voice on executive compensation issues in Congress and at the SEC, the Center actively represents Center members on executive compensation and governance legislative and regulatory matters and has testified several times before Congressional Committees.

“The HRPA Center on Executive Compensation is an invaluable partner to me and my team, and by extension to our CEO and Board. They provide relevant insights, in a timely manner. The team at the Center is deeply knowledgeable and we regularly seek and follow their counsel.”
— Tracey Grabowski, CHRO, Procter & Gamble


Fundamentals of Executive Compensation Training Course
Center members have access to the Center’s marquee “Fundamentals of Executive Compensation” training course.

Center Annual Meeting
Taking place each fall, the Center’s Annual Meeting features discussions with leading companies, institutional investors, and corporate governance experts on key executive compensation and governance policy and design issues in preparation for the next proxy season.

Insightful Webinars
The Center hosts periodic member webinars on trending best practices, regulatory developments or public policy issues.

Interested in learning more about the Center On Executive Compensation?
Click here to contact a member of the Center Team to see if the Center is right for you and your company. 

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